Welcome to our Farm!

Here in the Fairywood, we have a beautiful herd of Nigerian Dwarf miniature dairy goats that we have carefully developed over the last 15 years. Starting out with quality registered animals from proven milk and show lines, our herd was successfully built to win in the 4H show ring and to provide delicious, sweet milk for our family.

We participate in 305 day DHIA milk testing and annual Linear Appraisal through ADGA.

We love to help provide homesteading families with a nutritious source of wonderful milk, and present and future 4H families with goats that will win ribbons.

We provide full support to all who purchase a goat from us – including milking coaching, help with breeding and birthing, hoof trimming, and disbudding.

Our herd is annually tested for CAE and has always been negative.



We are Guinness World REcord Holders!

Check out Angelica and her World Record Septuplets https://youtu.be/VGT5ESojuVg?t=584

.:Miller's Fairywood :.
David & Beth Miller
Gilbert, Arizona

Phone: 480-203-7847 (text only)

E-mail: beth@roadtojoy.com

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